Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Day!!

It's a Halloween Day!! Hope nobody is going to be scared while reading my blog:):). Oh!! well my friend decorated my face this morning at my work...guess what? Spider in my right cheek. Today lots of things are going on in my mind. Well, In USA it's Halloween, and back home it's a "Laxmi Puja". I am missing to celeberate the Laxmi Puja with my Mom. Laxmi puja is like christmas here celebrating with lots of lights everywhere.

Anyway, beside that i cleaned my room and took a nap for a while. When i woke up Yogya (my close friend)was preparing dinner for me!! it was delicious:):) then tonight at 10:00pm we are going to see the Halloween Party infront of my house.

Pop you things again tomorrow.


At 4:39 AM, Blogger IESE MBA 2007 said...

Nice to know that you are celebrating Haloween. However it must be sad to miss the big festival at home. Ke garne! kahile ghaam, kahile chhayan!

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Pushpa Paudel Regmi said...

Hi iese mba 2007,
its great to know that you are reading my blog. You are right!!! Kahile ghaam, kahile chhayan:):) Thank you.


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